In episode 206, “Input Determines Output”, Brooke & Faren discuss the meaning of Colossians 3:8, 10, & 12 in the Bible. Hear what Paul says to the Colossians about getting rid of what’s bad for us, and what we should put on instead. We use our © Read Pray Talk Tell Method to discover ways we can practically live this scripture out in everyday life. The Colossians mini series begins on episode 204 and goes through episode 208 of the Witty & Gritty podcast.
Read to Grow More Like Jesus
If you’re playing along at home, we’ve read chapters 1 & 2 of the book of Colossians. This week, we begin to break down scripture in chapter three, so this means take a few minutes and read the chapter. It won’t take long and it’ll set you up for success when you dig a little deeper with us.
Today, we’re taking a look at Colossians 3: 8, 10, 12. Why are we skipping verses? Verses 9 & 11 reiterate what we’re discussing today. If you tune into episode 206 “Input Determines Output” you get to hear a couple of other reasons we jumped over a couple (throwing Faren under the bus, ha!).
“But now is the time to get rid of anger, rage, malicious behavior, slander, and dirty language…Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him…Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.”
Colossians 3:8, 10, 12
Paul makes it clear in scripture what we need to cut out of our lives. These toxic feelings can get us into trouble if we don’t reign it in. This is where the power of the Holy Spirit can help us (see Pray section).
Ask yourself, “Is what I’m saying and doing glorifying God?” This can be quite the gut check, yet necessary for our growth. Here, Brooke talks about her areas of struggle, and how we can put on our new nature (verse 9) in order to grow more like Jesus every day (verse 11). Reading the Bible regularly is one way to step into this newness.
Pray About Your Input
Verse 8 makes it very clear what we should be getting rid of, but it’s not always easy. Sometimes we’re deep in a bad habit. Other seasons of life we can just be distant. Wherever you fall on the spectrum, you’re not alone. This is why we are so thankful the Holy Spirit is in us and helping us with this.
Take some time to pray and ask God what specific areas need to be cleaned up. Brooke and Faren both share how input determines output, and what worked for them, so be sure to scroll back up and press play.
Once you’ve identified these areas ask God to help you with capturing thoughts early and often. God will equip you along the way, and He wants to help you. We use this pause and reflect prompt often: “Is what I’m about to say or do reflect God?”
We wrap up the prayer section of “Input Determines Output” by discussing things we’ve gotten rid of or tweaked because the output was less than Godly. Here are some of the target areas we discussed:
- Music, movies, entertainment
- Gossip, slander, bitterness
- People you’re around the most
There are ways to reshape and revamp your life without it being impossible. We made an entire mini series to help you stop bad habits and start good ones. CLICK HERE to get to that mini series all about Atomic Habits.
Talk About Struggles
We are all in this together. We all have specific vices that we desperately need the Holy Spirit to move. In episode 206 “Input Determines Output” we talk about our struggles and how we combat them. HINT: Sometimes it’s a daily battle, and that’s okay.
Did you know that it’s okay to ask for help with this? Yes, from the Holy Spirit (see Prayer section), but also from wise counsel. Ask your trusted circle what they do when they’re struggling with input. It’s encouraging to see how others are doing well and the work they’re putting in to make sure their output is more reflective of Jesus.
There will also come a time when you’ll need encouragement. You may have to step up and have hard conversations, especially if it’s a relationship you can’t really walk away from (in laws, coworkers, wayward children, etc…). Ask for a holy boldness when you approach these conversations. We give several examples in the episode, so tune in by scrolling up and pressing play.
What we say and how we say it matters. It’s tough to model and tough to teach, but through Christ all things are possible. Here are a few areas we address that matter significantly when it comes to speaking to our childrent and teaching them how to speak to others (the output):
- word choice
- tone of voice
- body language
We also cover questions to ask your children (or yourself) when we are seeking to have Godly output. Try these out, explicitly talk through these, and then model along the way with your kiddos. It’ll take practice, but you’ll be giving them tools they’ll use all throughout life.
- Is this how I would want God to talk to me?
- Does this need to be said at all?
- What is the kinder way to say this?
- Do you like to be spoken to this way?
In this part of the episode, we talk about bystander intervention and body safety, what you can teach your children, and how to debrief with them. There will be times throughout your children’s lives that they will have to stand up for what is right. Equip them now so they can practice while they’re still under your roof. Here are a few phrases we discuss:
- If you see something, say something.
- Once you notice, you’re now a bystander.
- No means no.
- Stop means stop.
- Don’t means don’t.
We hope you enjoyed episode 206, “Input Determines Output”, through our © Read Pray Talk Tell Method. Now it’s up to you to work through the Bible chapter discussed, pray about this verse using the prompts given, have biblical community around this verse, and go point others to Christ with the tips we give. Remember, when you read, pray, talk, tell consistently, you’ll grow your faith in God more deeply. Tune in next week to hear another breakdown of a Bible verse!