Why Didn’t You Tell Me?!

August 4, 2019

Why People Don’t Share Their Pain in the Midst of Their Struggle I used to think, “Why would I tell anyone what I am going through? It seems to do more harm, than good. I’ll just keep this to myself. It doesn’t feel great, but at least I’m not making the pain worse." Now that I am on the other side of some of my biggest trials and tribulations I know ...

Matthew Del Negro: The Power of Positive Summit

May 16, 2019

Every year, Jon Gordon hosts The Power of Positive Summit. He brings in inspirational public figures to speak life into the viewers and to give genuine advice on how to thrive in life. Playing in several T.V. crime series, among other things, Matthew Del Negro delivered an authentic, off-the-script video to inspire us. 1.You Are Enough Matthew speaks about choosing to believe in yourself and trusting in your abilities. There will ...