David and Goliath

July 12, 2023

In episode 215, “David and Goliath", Brooke & Faren discuss the meaning of 1 Samuel 17:37 when David defeats Goliath the Philistine. Hear how this Bible story helps us learn to have a holy confidence in how God prepares us for the giants we'll face in our lives. We use our © Read Pray Talk Tell Method to discover ways we can practically live this scripture out in everyday life. ...

Kid Classics Mini Series

May 21, 2023

Welcome to the Kid Classics mini series. Episodes 209-218 walk you through our top ten Old Testament stories that you may have read as a kid, or that you're reading with your kids now. We take a classic story, pull scripture, and circle it back to what it means for our lives today. Join us as we use our © Read Pray Talk Tell Method to walk you through applying ...