3 Ways to Avoid the Motherhood Identity Crisis

September 14, 2024

If you are a follower of God, congratulations! You, my friend, are a daughter of the King. Yep, bust out that tiara and call your mama because this is great news for you! If you've lived some life, you know that you can easily lose your identity in what you do and what role you play. Sister, there is so much more for you and your identity than being the ...

3 MORE Tips to Avoid the Back to School Spiritual Slump, Part 2

July 21, 2024

How are you feeling about August? Is your calendar already full? Are you scrambling to get the last minute schools supplies? Oh, and your kid just hit a growth spurt so new shoes must be bought. Too bad the ones you bought last month no longer fit. I hear you. August feels like a combination of all the stressors of back to school, and somehow everything keeps getting piled on ...

3 Tips to Avoid the Back to School Spiritual Slump

July 20, 2024

Did you know that August is a time of year that you're more likely to skip your spiritual practices? If you stop to think about it for a second, August is pretty hectic. For some reason, it also feels high stakes. New teachers, new schedules, new classrooms, and somehow you have to wrap your brain around it. Before you know it, God just took a backseat in your mind. Whoopsie! ...