Hey, y’all! I’m Brooke Collier, the host of the Busy Christian Mom podcast! Whether you’ve arrived at this page by accident or heard it from another fellow busy Christian mom, stick around until the end to see if we’re a good fit! Plus, I’ll give you a free resource for funsies.
I’m here to give you all my tips and tactics to help you keep God first, while not losing your sanity in the busyness of life. The Busy Christian Mom podcast is here to serve you through quick, weekly pep talks with a purpose. You can find the Busy Christian Mom podcast everywhere (Apple Podcasts is the fav).

It’s easy to get lost in mom life and how to balance everything you do in the day to day. Cue the stress! You blinked, and then kids happened, and now you’re going by all sorts of names like, mama, mommy, mom, bruh. You have deadlines to meet, toilets to clean, and the kids all have practice tonight at the same time in three different locations.
I get it. YOU DON’T HAVE TIME for long, fluffy episodes. You’re ready for a short, sweet, spicy pep talks that that will get you laughing, and have you feeling encouraged and motivated. I’m your hype girl with humor, your Christian life hack girl, and someone who is already praying for you. I’ve got your back, and so does God! So, saddle up, buttercup, let’s get into it! CLICK BELOW to go the podcast library and check out all the mini series!
Here’s a gut check, you ready? Your kids’ souls are at stake, and you get to play a huge role in pointing them to Jesus. Yes, I hear you. “But with what time, Brooke? I don’t feel equipped! What am I supposed to do?” You may feel like you’re running on coffee and dry shampoo, but please hear me say this, when we as moms prioritize time with God, everything else will fall into place. That is promise straight from Bible in Matthew 6:33.
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”
Matthew 6:33
Here at the Busy Christian Mom podcast, this is the credo I live by, and I pray that you’ll live by this too. Everything in this credo is Biblically backed and promised for those who have crossed the line of faith.
“I am the daughter of the King. I am chosen, forgiven, redeemed. I am loved and I belong. I am bold, brave, and strong. I am seen, I’m accepted. I am able, I’m protected. Through Him I can do anything. Because I’m the daughter of the King.”
Busy Christian Mom Credo, Brooke Collier
Subscribe to the Busy Christian Mom Podcast
Sounds pretty amazing! I break down the entire Busy Christian Mom Credo in episodes 2-14, so if you want to dig into those promises God has made to you and rest in the identity God has for you, do yourself a favor and download episodes 2-14. Better yet SUBSCRIBE to the Busy Christian Mom Podcast.
Head to your Apple Podcast app (or Spotify, PodBean, YouTube, etc…), and search for Busy Christian Mom. Once you find the show, hit that PLUS button to follow the show. When you do this, the episodes automatically come to you on your device. You don’t have to wait on your podcatcher to release on their time, you’ll get the episodes at midnight every Monday.
Why Mondays? It’s the beginning of your busy week, and getting these weekly pep talks in your ears will help you focus on what truly matters. Keeping God first helps everything else align. The Busy Christian Mom Podcast will help you learn more about who God is, how to grow closer with Him, and practical, actionable steps to actually doing that.
Become a BCM Insider
Don’t forget your freebie! When you become a BCM Insider (that’s Busy Christian Mom Insider), you’ll get a weekly update of what’s happening on the show, the inside scoop with what’s happening in BCM world, prayer requests, and your freebie.
When you become a BCM Insider, you’ll be the first in the loop, and you’ll be a part of a community who rallies behind people helping point others to Christ. I am so excited for you to become an insider! Head to brookecollier.com scroll to the bottom, and enter your email. There are several places on the site that all flow into the BCM Insiders, like on the home page, so you can easily find it!
5 Quick Facts About Me
Now you may be asking, “Who the heck are you, Brooke Collier?” Glad you asked, you, dear listener, are full of great questions today. Here are 5 quick facts about me that will help you know who I am, and how I can serve you:
- Fact #1: I’m a follower of Jesus who has found a specific calling to coach busy Christian moms to thrive in life by teaching them how to prioritize their relationship with God. Through life experience, research, and testing, I have found simple ways to grow closer to God without the stress, burn out, or over-complication.
- Fact #2: If you recognize my voice, you may have heard my other show the Witty & Gritty Podcast. It ran for over five years, had over 300 episodes, and was listened to all across the world. I ran it with my best friend, and she’s so amazing! Shout out, Faren!
- Fact #3: I’m competitive, played soccer for four years at Austin College, and I have a deep passion for helping others grow. I have coached and taught people in some capacity since 2005, so I’m well over the 10,000 hours mark in teaching and coaching.
- Fact #4: My husband and I got married in 2011, we have three wonderful kids, and two doggos. We love being goofy together, having fun, and being active as a family.
- Fact #5: My mission at BCM is to help moms realize their full potential when it comes to growing their walk with Jesus. The resources I provide point back to God, and teach busy Christian moms how to live out their faith in a way that makes sense in their lives.
Quick Recap
Congratulations! You’re just took the first step to learning tips and tactics that are tried and true that will help you grow your relationship with God. After years of trial and error, I have found amazing strategies that will help you put God first. Listening to this episode was step 1. Step number 2 is subscribe to the Busy Christian Mom podcast. Step 3 is join the BCM Insiders!
Quick recap on how to do steps 2 and 3 because you’ve already crushed step 1. Go you!
- Step #2: Wherever you’re listening to this (again, ideally Apple Podcasts), SUBSCRIBE to the Busy Christian Mom podcast. Look around for that plus sign, or search within your podcatcher app to find it
- Step #3: Head to brookecollier.com and enter your email address to become a BCM insider
Tune into the next episode and start the Identity Crisis Mini Series. This mini series will help you remember whose you are in this busy world. This is where I break down the Busy Christian Mom Credo, and how to live out your identity in Christ. And to close this episode, here’s the Busy Christian Mom Credo:
“I am the daughter of the King. I am chosen, forgiven, redeemed. I am loved and I belong. I am bold, brave, and strong. I am seen, I’m accepted. I am able, I’m protected. Through Him I can do anything. Because I’m the daughter of the King.”
Busy Christian Mom Credo, Brooke Collier