
Noah and the Ark

In episode 210, “Noah and the Ark”, Brooke & Faren discuss the meaning of Genesis 6:22 when Noah builds the ark. Hear how this Bible story helps us learn to follow God’s instructions, and help others when God has led them too. We use our © Read Pray Talk Tell Method to discover ways we can practically live this scripture out in everyday life. The Kid Classics mini series begins on episode 209 and goes through episode 218 of the Witty & Gritty podcast.


Read About Faithful Obedience

We’re in week two of our Kid Classics mini series! At the beginning of each episode in this mini series, we give you the “Brooke Notes” version of what’s happened up until this point in the Bible. This week’s we’re talking about Noah in the Ark, so in case you hadn’t read up through Genesis chapter 6, here are the Brooke Notes:

  • Creation, Adam & Eve, the fall of man
  • Cain and Abel
  • The world has gone wrong
  • Everyone is terrible EXCEPT Noah and his family
  • God is heartbroken and wants to wipe everyone out

Onto Noah and the Ark. God tells Noah the flood is coming and wants Noah to build an ark with very specific details. 600 year old Noah responds in faithful, precise action when God asks him to do all the things:

“So Noah did everything exactly as God had commanded him.”

Genesis 6:22

Noah and the Ark was a success! He did everything exactly as God told him, and his family got to live because of his faithful action in obedience.

Pray Over Your Faithfulness

There are times in our lives that we question God, get angry with His plans, and sometimes flat our refuse to do what He asks. In episode 210, we give you details on how this manifested for us and what it could look like for others. Here are a couple of gut check questions that you can God can chat about:

  • Do you ask God for next steps?
  • How do you respond when He tells you?
  • Is there faithful obedience in your actions?

We know the answers to these all vary with circumstance, which is why praying for emotional and physical strength is key. Take a moment and think about how Noah must have felt. Everyone is awful except you family, God tells you to build a boat, oh…and it’s NEVER rained before. How do you think his family was being treated?

Whatever God is telling you to do, should be done, but that doesn’t mean it’ll be easy. Pray for your loved ones around you to be on board, and that you show up on the hard days to put in the work. We dig into examples in the episode, so be sure to scroll back up and press play.

Talk Through Helping

When someone we love has a calling or action placed on them by God, it can feel intimidating, lonely, and overwhelming (among other feelings). There is power in checking in consistent, supporting where possible, and praying over them.

In this part of our “Noah and the Ark” episode, we give examples of how you can help even if there’s nothing directly you can do. There are so many ways to run with ideas, but here are just a few:

  • Make a meal
  • Pick up perscriptions
  • Encourage and pray
  • Babysit

With creativity, asking, and saying yes, you can support your people in limitless ways. Think about ways you can give them time by offloading their plate onto yours. HINT: Don’t offload everything, but have your team carry the load. This can look like meals trains, writing notes, lining up phone call check ins, etc… Give help when and where you can, and be sure to ask.

Tell and Designate Teams Roles

Reading between the lines of scripture, there must have been so many toxic actions and words of the non-Noah family. Remember, everyone was awful enough to completely wipe them out, so how do you think Noah and his family was being treated while the construction of the ark took place? There were no power tools or home improvement stores, so it’s a safe bet that this took years to build.

As far as training up our children, we can take Noah and the ark and teach many lessons. The ones we mention in this week’s episode, range from doing the right thing even if no one else is, to following and trusting the process even if it doesn’t make sense. We discuss individual and family goals, and how everyone can play a role in the success of others.

We hope you enjoyed episode 210, “Noah and the Ark”, through our © Read Pray Talk Tell Method. Now it’s up to you to work through the Bible chapter discussed, pray about this verse using the prompts given, have biblical community around this verse, and go point others to Christ with the tips we give. Remember, when you read, pray, talk, tell consistently, you’ll grow your faith in God more deeply. Tune in next week to hear another breakdown of a Bible verse!

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Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.