
Adam, Eve and the Fall

In episode 209, “Adam, Eve, and the Fall”, Brooke & Faren discuss the meaning of Genesis 3:6 when Adam and Eve eat the fruit. Hear how this Bible story helps us learn to seek wisdom from God, the source of the truthful information, instead of looking to this world. We use our © Read Pray Talk Tell Method to discover ways we can practically live this scripture out in everyday life. The Kid Classics mini series begins on episode 209 and goes through episode 218 of the Witty & Gritty podcast.


Read the Truth

In the first couple minutes of each of our Kid Classics podcast episodes, we give you the “Brooke-notes” version of a recap of the story up until we dig into scripture. Here’s a little context to get the episode rolling up until our verse for today:

  • God made all the things, and they were all good!
  • There’s one tree Adam & Eve should not eat from
  • Satan creeps in and starts to twist the truth

The Bible is the foundation in which we build all truth from. Satan also knows the Bible to be true, so his best bet is going to be tricking us into lies that sound so close to the truth, they could be believable. Check out what happens in the story:

“The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it, too.”

Genesis 3:6

Pray for Clarity

Our main takeaway from this week’s scripture is to always go back and check the text, ask God, and seek wise counsel. When we check the text (read), ask God (pray), and seek wise counsel (talk), we can then properly teach our kids (tell).

If you’re stumped with a tricky half truth, or not sure about decisions, this is where you can always pray and God for clarity and discernment on any situation. Capturing thoughts takes hard work and effort, so we made an entire mini series dedicated to helping with this important practice.

What if Adam and Eve took a moment to go ask God, “Hey, what did you say exactly about this tree?”, or “Hey, God, there’s a creepy, tricky creature over here making me question what you said. Could you help me?”? We have access to God and can ask those questions. Let’s take advantage of that blessing.

Talk About Thoughts

Adam, Eve, and the fall can be disheartening to talk about, but don’t miss the learning opportunities in the history. When in Christian community, it’s vital to hash out those toxic thoughts, get them captured, and replaced with God’s truth. Having trusted friends around you when you do this will help immensely. When we’re vulnerable with seeking help, our Christian brothers and sisters can help us where we’re tripped up.

Now let’s reverse the roles. You may be in a situation you need to help guide someone in your inner circle. Take time to pray for the future conversations, prepared hearts, and that we are receptive when we speak truth to each other.

In this part of the episode, we talk about praying over spouses, coworkers, kids, friends, (basically all humans involved in future tough conversations). Have those people that you’ve given permission to speak life into you, even if it’s tough. We go over some easy conversation starters that will make things smoother.

Tell them Tips

Earlier in episode 209, “Adam, Eve, and the Fall”, we talked about how to pray for our children. Peer pressure starts early and doesn’t stop, so it’s best we equip them as they move through life, so they’re prepared along the way. In this part of the episode we hit a few topics like:

  • Navigating peer pressure
  • Asking for forgiveness
  • Bystander intervention
  • Emotional vs Godly reactions
  • Helping friends with good choices
  • Code phrases for safety

Scroll up and press play to hear all the ways you can put these strategies into everyday conversations with your kids.

We hope you enjoyed episode 209, “Adam, Eve, and the Fall”, through our © Read Pray Talk Tell Method. Now it’s up to you to work through the Bible chapter discussed, pray about this verse using the prompts given, have biblical community around this verse, and go point others to Christ with the tips we give. Remember, when you read, pray, talk, tell consistently, you’ll grow your faith in God more deeply. Tune in next week to hear another breakdown of a Bible verse!

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Busy Christian Mom

Brooke Collier

I coach busy Christian moms to thrive in life by teaching them how to prioritize their relationship with God.