We can all take a lesson in improving our own grit. But how are we able to teach our kids? Whether it’s students, your children, or some other young human in your life, you can implement these tactics right now. Challenge yourself to try at least one of these things TODAY! You can do it!
1.Speak Life
Kids don’t know what they don’t know. They learn how to dream big by observing someone dreaming big. Try some of these phrases:
- You can do hard things
- You are strong & courageous
- You are hardworking
- You are loved. You matter.
What this does: This trains your kid to believe in himself. Blast these phrases on repeat whenever your kid fails at something. Remember that failure means that they are trying! Kids need you to help create a running dialogue in their heads that will turn into their self talk when they’re older.
2. Speak Truth
In frustrating times, it may be difficult to recall successful moments. Tell them all the great things they have done before. Try examples like this:
- You crawled before you walked
- You fell off your bike, but you got back up and learned
- You have worked really hard to come this far, keep pushing yourself
- You have overcome bigger things than this
What this does: Sometimes we just need a small win. Accomplishing a baby step is still something to remember and remind our kids. Practicing active recall of victories while in the middle of a challenge produces confidence, resilience, and mental toughness.
3. Speak Encouragement
Everyone needs a pep talk now and then, including your kids. Be their champion who roots them on when challenges arise. Try using phrases like:
- I believe in you! Believe in yourself!
- You’ve got this!
- I’ve got your back
- You’re doing a great job sticking with it
What this does: Everyone has self talk, littles either don’t know the right words for their feelings or they just say it out loud. This tactic helps kids know how to encourage themselves when the tough gets going. Help cultivate a positive mindset for them.
Grit is not for the faint of heart. It’s tough. It takes work. And it is so worth it. Consistency is key. As the adult, it is up to YOU to help these young ones to know how to treat themselves when challenges arise.
We have the ability to give these kids tools to put in their tool belt that they will have access to the rest of their lives. You can help them learn how to find strength within themselves to overcome whatever comes their way.