You’ve made it to the show notes of episode 17. This is the 3rd interview of our Enneagram mini series featuring “The Road Back to You” by Ian Morgan Cron & Suzanne Stabile. We interview a wonderful counselor, Lauren Coats. She is the clinical director and owns her own practice, Rockwall Counseling & Wellness.

The Value of Seeking Wise Counsel
Verse after verse the Bible talks about the power of wise counsel. There are people in the world with the very specific gifting of counseling. Lauren talks about how counseling helps many and how to go about finding a good fit for you. Whether counseling is right for you or not, having people speak wisdom into your life is beneficial.
The Value of Knowing Love Languages
It is so important to know how you receive and express love. There is a phenomenal book called The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts (Amazon affiliate link!) and we highly encourage you to read this book and discuss it with the people you hold closest. This enlightening book has helped so many people discover motives behind how love is actionable in their lives. You may be surprised which love language resonates with you.
The Value of Positive Self-Talk
It is so important to constantly check yourself to see if the narrative inside your head is positive. We have a post that can help your self talk! It talks about 3 easy ways to develop a grit mindset, which is part of positive self-talk. The post talks about adults speaking to kids, but it is definitely applicable for everyone with a pulse. Check out that post here: How to Instill Grit in Your Kids Just by Speaking
Here’s our 5 Rules of Fair Fighting blog post
Lauren Coats has a great team of counselors who are ready to serve you! Check them out at Rockwall Counseling & Wellness. Big shout out to Lauren for being a part of our Enneagram interview episodes!