Research shows that the average adults makes about 35,000 decisions in a day. It goes on to say that the average parent makes "many more than the average adult". I can only deduce that this means that moms make roughly 1,783,542 decisions in a day. Today, we're talking about the most important decision of your life and the generational impact it has. I'll pose six questions to ask yourself that ...
Category: Spiritual
Being Truly Seen by Jesus Will Change Your Life
What if I told you that there is someone who fully knows you, fully sees you, and in spite of your flaws, fully loves you no matter what? That person is Jesus. When you take a moment to recognize that being truly seen by Jesus will change your life, you can walk confidently in your identity in Christ as being seen. We'll cover 5 truths as we look into the ...
4 Mistakes that Keep You Feeling Like an Outsider in Your Spiritual Life
Let's face it. We all have this common humanity experience here on Earth: Sometimes we feel like an outsider. This feeling can arise from a situation that happened, or maybe just being different than the people you're around. If feeling like an outcast happens with worldly things, then it can certainly creep into our spiritual lives if we let it. This is why I'm giving you 4 mistakes that keep ...
3 Tips for Feeling Loved Based on the Disciple John
If you're a human, congratulations! God loves you! It's no mystery that you are made in His image, and you are loved big by a big God. As we experience the highs and lows of life, it can be hard to wrap our minds around the fact that God loves us no matter what. Here are 3 tips for feeling loved based on the disciple John from the Bible. CLICK PLAY ...
3 Choices to Make so Your Sins Don’t Haunt You
Have an ugly past that you'd like to forget? Do those former sins creep in your mind, and you think, "Wow, I can't believe I did that." We've all been there, but if you consider yourself a follower of Christ, your identity is not in your sin, it's in your savior. Here are 3 choices to make so your sins don't haunt you. CLICK PLAY TO LISTEN: EP 4 Choice #1: ...
6 Bible Verses that Prove that What You’re Doing Isn’t Meaningless
Like any adult, you've felt the blur of monotonous tasks that make it feel like you're going everywhere and nowhere all at the same time. Chores around the house, running errands, and soccer Saturdays eat up your non working hours, and the repetition week after week can make it feel meaningless sometimes. Today, I'm giving you 6 Bible verses that prove what you're doing isn't meaningless. Au contraire mon frère, ...
3 Ways to Avoid the Motherhood Identity Crisis
If you are a follower of God, congratulations! You, my friend, are a daughter of the King. Yep, bust out that tiara and call your mama because this is great news for you! If you've lived some life, you know that you can easily lose your identity in what you do and what role you play. Sister, there is so much more for you and your identity than being the ...
Identity Crisis: Busy Christian Mom Credo
It's easy to get lost in mom life and how to balance everything you do in the day to day. Cue the identity crisis. We were someone, then we got married. Then kids happened, and now you're going by all sorts of names like, mama, mommy, mom, bruh. When we get caught up in the busyness of life we can forget that, first and foremost, our identity is in Christ. ...
15 Bible Verses and Guided Prayers for the Busy Christian Mom
Mom life ranges from changing diapers all day, driving kids to practices, maintaining a full time job (in and/or outside the home), drinking enough water, working out, and getting enough sleep. The busy overwhelm can get you caught up sometimes, and that happens! This is why I've created something just for you! 15 Bible Verses and Guided Prayers for the Busy Christian Mom will help you focus on scripture, and ...